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Your first video plugin

Loading an example

The easiest way to build a new plugin is to start from an example. Drag Lines.amxd from the Examples folder into an empty MIDI track. If Videosync is running, you should see the following pattern:

Lines Output

The following steps will show you how to build an improved version of this plugin.

Making a copy

  • Makes a new folder within the Plugin SDK folder, and name it Better Lines. Then copy Lines.amxd and Lines.fs, and then paste them into the Better Lines folder. To keep things clear you can also rename both files to Better Lines.amxd and Better Lines.fs.

The plugin files do not need to have the same name as the folder they are in, but it might be an easy convention.

  • Start with a new Live Set and drag Better Lines.amxd onto a MIDI track in Live. The plugin is not yet functional so Videosync should throw an error in the console:
Changing Name
  • Open the plugin for editing by pressing the edit button.
  • Switch to presentation mode by pressing the Patching Mode button in the footer bar of the patch window.
Patching Mode
  • Change the content of the message box from isfName Lines to isfName "Better Lines".
Changing Name

This message tells the plugin the name of the shader files (.fs and optionally .vs). The two shader files should always share the same name (except for the extension).

  • Save the plugin and close Max. Your new Better Lines plugin should now work like Lines did. Let's start improving it!

Changing the shader

  • Open Better Lines.fs in a text editor.

You can start editing shaders with a simple editor like TextEdit. Eventually you may want to use a more advanced editor, like Visual Studio Code that supports code highlighting for GLSL files.

  • Let's start by making the rotations of the lines a bit more interesting. Locate the lines that calculate the red, green and blue pixel colors. For green, add * 2 behind both occasions of radians. For blue, let's make that * 3. The code should now look like this:
float red = sin((x * cos(radians) + y * sin(radians)) * density);
float green = sin((x * cos(radians * 2 + TWO_PI * 1/3) + y * sin(radians * 2 + TWO_PI * 1/3)) * density);
float blue = sin((x * cos(radians * 3 + TWO_PI * 2/3) + y * sin(radians * 3 + TWO_PI * 2/3)) * density);
float alpha = 1;
  • As soon as you save the file, the changes are applied. Changing the Rotation control in the M4L interface should now now no longer just rotate the lines but move them in respect to each other, overlapping and mixing colors:
Rotated Lines
  • Let's make this plugin even better by adding an extra control!

Setting up a new control

  • Open up the Max For Live plugin again by pressing the edit button.
  • Select the two objects that make up the Density control, duplicate them (Cmd+D or Alt+drag) and position them to the right.
Duplicated Density Duplicated Density
  • Change the new prepend object from density to thickness and connect them like the other controls.
Connected Thickness Connected Thickness
  • Right-click the new [live.dial] and select Inspector. This opens up a list of properties for this control.
  • Scroll down the list until you find the Long Name and Short Name fields. Change their values to Thickness.

The Long Name field uniquely identifies how this control is saved and controlled in Live. The Long Name is also what you will see when selecting this control in an automation lane in Live.

  • Also set the following fields: Range/Enum to 0. 1. and Initial Value to 0.5. Your inspector window should now look like this:
Inspector Inspector
  • Finally, switch back to Presentation Mode by clicking the Patching Mode button again. You will see that the new Thickness control is not positioned correctly. If you want your interface to look neat in Live, you may want to align it under the other controls:
Final Interface Final Interface
  • Close Max and save the plugin, you are now ready to implement the new parameter in the shader.

Implementing the new parameter

  • It's time to go back to the plugin code in Better Lines.fs. The header contains the definitions of the parameters available to your plugin. Let's add the thickness parameter here. After the closing bracket of the definition of the density parameter, add a comma: },. Then, on the following line, add the following code:
"NAME": "thickness",
"TYPE": "float",
"DEFAULT": 0.5
  • We can now use the thickness parameter in the calculation of pixel values. The way we have in mind requires two steps:

    • Above the line that calculates the red color, add:
    float offset = thickness * 4 - 2;
    • In each of the lines that calculate a color, add + offset at the end, before the semicolon. Your code should now look like this:
float red = sin((x * cos(radians) + y * sin(radians)) * density) + offset;
float green = sin((x * cos(radians * 2 + TWO_PI * 1/3) + y * sin(radians * 2 + TWO_PI * 1/3)) * density) + offset;
float blue = sin((x * cos(radians * 3 + TWO_PI * 2/3) + y * sin(radians * 3 + TWO_PI * 2/3)) * density) + offset;
float alpha = 1;
  • As soon as you save your code, the Videosync output image should change. If the Thickness control in the Max For Live plugin was still set to 1.0 after changing its range in the Inspector, you will now see a white image. Dial down and you should see the lines re-appearing, say at 0.8:
Final Image
  • Your new control is done! You can control it with a MIDI controller or automate it in Live's Session and Arrangement views to create a musical video composition.

This plugin doesn't use any image input, effectively acting as an instrument. To learn how to make an effect plugin, read on!