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Videosync relies on Max for Live and a Control Surface to work. This means that limitations in the M4L and Python API prevent us from adding some functionality we want. Below, you can find a list of currently known limitations.

Current limitations

Clip playback glitches when using Tempo automation and unwarped video clips in Arrangement View

Playing unwarped video clips in the Arrangement View while automating the Tempo will cause playback glitches. Enabling Warp for the video clip(s) will resolve this issue.

Offline rendering operations

Videosync does not integrate with Live's Export feature. Any rendering operations (crop, consolidate, reverse, freeze/flatten) performed on video clips will result in audio clips.

To export content created with Videosync, see Recording Output.

Rack Chain Selector does not affect video

Video devices in racks do not respond to the Chain Selector. For instance, an Audio Effect Rack containing video effects on multiple chains will always process all chains in parallel, and mixing can be done exclusively using the Chain Volume sliders.

Follow Actions (partial)

When using Follow Actions, retriggering the same clip results in a black screen. For instance, when selecting the Any or Play Again Follow Actions, a clip may or will retrigger itself, but Videosync can't receive this information due to limitations in the Live API.

Resolved limitations

(macOS) Choppy video playback when BPM is double or half of a clip's original BPM

When the playback tempo or a clip's BPM is set to double or half of the clip's original BPM, the video playback may become choppy.

This issue was resolved with macOS Sonoma (12.0) or later.

Arrangement View video clip playback

Video clips on audio tracks do not work in Arrangement View.

This limitation was lifted and resolved in Live 11.0 and supported by Videosync 1.0.

Press save after changing Warp markers in video clips

After changing a clip's Warp markers or its 1.1.1 position, it is required to press the 'save' button in the Clip Detail View.

This saves the .asd which Videosync extracts the Warp Markers from. The consequence is that, since only one .asd-file per video-file can exist, one cannot use different Warp markers on different clips that have the same video file. Also, having different Warp settings for a clip that is used in multiple Live Sets is not possible.

This limitation was lifted and resolved in Live 11.0 and supported by Videosync 1.0.