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A blur effect with three modes: "Blur / Bloom", "Bokeh" and "Sharpen".

  • Blur / Bloom: Simple blur when "Source Gain" is set to 0. Increasing "Source Gain" and "Threshold" creates a bloom effect, causing a soft glow around bright areas in an image, emulating light diffusion.
  • Bokeh: Replicates the aesthetic of out-of-focus regions in photography, resulting in soft circular or hexagonal shapes.
  • Sharpen: Increases edge contrasts for more defined images.
Blur Bloom Mode


  • Thresshold: Pixels with a brightness above the threshold will be processed as if they were light sources, resulting in specular highlights/bokeh balls.
  • Softness: Softens the threshold, resulting in a more gradual transition around the threshold value.
  • Source Gain: Sets the gain of the original, unprocessed, video.
  • Size X: Sets the blur size for the X axis.
  • Size Y: Sets the blur size for the Y axis.
  • Link Size: When enabled, the blur size for the X-axis also influences the blur size for the Y-axis. The Size Y parameter will be disabled.
  • Blur Angle: Sets the angle of the blur directionality.
  • Blur Gain: Gain Sets the amount of blur to be applied.

Color Mixer

Color Mixer

Manipulates the color and brightness components of an image. Selecting an optional sidechain source will allow you to blend the color and brightness of another track into the texture of the Color Mixer's host track.

  • III: Control 3 components in RGB color space.
  • II: Control 2 components, brightness and color, in YUV color space.
  • I: Control 1 component in Oklab color space.
Color Mixer Common Parameters


  • Sidechain Menu: Sets which track to blend with this track.
  • Sidechain Tapping Point: Selects the point at which the sidechain signal is tapped.
  • Dry/Wet: Sets the balance between the unprocessed and processed video.

Color Utility

Color Utility

A simple device that provides control over video brightness, color, and alpha settings. Switch between RGB and YUV modes, adjust brightness, contrast, hue, and saturation, and manage alpha values with consolidation and multiplication options.

Color Utility Color section


  • Mode: Sets the color space in which brightness and contrast are applied. Switches between RGB and YUV.
  • Mid: Sets the luminance/brightness reference point for applying contrast.
  • Brightness: Changes the Brightness of the incoming video.
  • Brightess Invert: Inverts the brightness in respect to the chosen Mode.
  • Contrast: Changes the Contrast of the incoming video, based on the Mid Point.
  • Hue: Shifts the Hue of the incoming video.
  • Saturation: Changes the Saturation of the incoming video.



This device allows advanced color operations using Dark, Mid, and Light color controls to create dynamic color gradients based on the intensity of the input.


  • Mid Point: This sets the position of the Mid color in the gradient. When the Mid color is disabled, the Mid Point sets the point at which the Dark and Light colors mix equally.
  • Mid: Enable or disable usage of the mid color in the colorization gradient.
  • Color Format: Sets the color format for the Dark, Mid and Light colors. Options are RGBA (Red Green Blue) and HSLA (Hue Saturation Lightness). Both color formats share the same alpha values.
  • Per color:
    • Color Box: Click the color box to pop up a Color Picker to visually select a color.
    • In RGB mode:
      • Red: Sets the Red amount for the respective color.
      • Green: Sets the Green amount for the respective color.
      • Blue: Sets the Blue amount for the respective color.
    • In HSL mode:
      • Hue: Sets the Hue amount for the respective color.
      • Saturation: Sets the Saturation amount for the respective color.
      • Lightnes: Sets the Lightness amount for the respective color.
    • Alpha: Sets the transparency for the respective color when Alpha Thru is disabled.
    • Color Dry/Wet: Sets the Dry/Wet amount for the respective color.
  • Blendin:: Sets the blending method. RGB mixes colors with linear interpolation over the RGB channels. Oklab mixes the colors according to the Oklab color space, which generally produces more uniform looking transitions in terms of perceived brightness and color.
  • Softness: The transition smoothness between Dark, Mid and Light colors.
  • Mid Width: Sets the width of the Mid color band.
  • Luminosity: Adjusts the extent to which the original luminosity (brightness) of each pixel is preserved. Higher values maintain more of the original pixel's luminosity.
  • Alpha Thru: While enabled, alpha values from the incoming texture are retained. While disabled, alpha values are overwritten with the Dark, Mid and Light Alpha values.
  • Dry/Wet: Sets the balance between the unprocessed and processed video.

Crop Map

This device is used for both cropping video and projection mapping. It offers various modes for scaling and cropping, along with options for inversion, wrapping, feathering, and precise corner adjustments.

Crop Map


  • Mode:
    • Crop applies no scaling to the incoming image and may be used to discard parts of the image, depending on Invert and Feather settings. Depending on Wrap Mode it can also be used to repeat/clamp a part of the incoming image.
    • Bilinear applies linear scaling to the incoming image to fit inside the bounds.
    • Perspective applies perspective accurate scaling to the incoming image to fit inside the bounds.
  • Invert:
    • In Crop mode, when enabled, the area inside of the crop shape is darkened. When disabled, pixels outside of the crop shape are darkened.
    • In Bilinear mode, when enabled, the area inside the bounds is stretched to fill the screen by applying inverse linear scaling.
    • In Perspective mode, when enabled, the area inside the bounds is stretched to fill the screen by applying inverse perspective accurate scaling.
  • Wrap Mode: Choose from three Wrap Modes: Wrap, Mirror, Clamp.
    • Clamp stretches the incoming image using the colors of its edges, resulting in a stretched edge pattern.
    • Wrap repeats the incoming image.
    • Mirror repeats the incoming image using mirroring.
  • Feather: Sets the amount of feathering. Negative values fade inwards. Positive values fade outwards. Content for outward fading is determined by the Wrap Mode.
  • Corner selectors: Use the individual X/Y handles of all 4 corners for precise placement.
  • Lin:k With Link enabled, the vertical width is disabled. The horizontal width is applied to the vertical width as well.
  • Mapping Window: Use the handles to control the outer corners and crop/map parts of the incoming signal. It is also possible to grab the lines inbetween the handles to move the two connected corners at once. The handles will become yellow when Invert is enabled.
  • Offset: Offsets the set shape on the X and Y axes.



A displacement effect with displacement map input. By default it displaces its input based on its own overall luminance or a color channel. But it can also use the output of another track, otherwise known as a sidechain, as a displacement source. This makes Displacement a very versatile effect.

Displacement Map section


  • Sidechain Source: Sets which track to use as a source for calculating the amount of displacement per pixel.
  • Sidechain Tapping Point: Selects the point at which the signal of the sidechain signal is tapped.
  • Component: Sets which aspect of the sidechain to use for displacement.
  • Contour: Sets the amount of blur to apply to the sidechain.



Copies the previous frame onto the current frame, resulting in an echo effect. While copying, the frame can be scaled horizontally and vertically. This results in the echos moving inward or outward.

Feedback Loop section


  • Video From: Sets the feedback video to feed into the feedback loop. "Internal" feeds the output of this device back into its input. "Sidechain" feeds the output of the selected sidechain into its input.
  • Input Gain: This adjusts the brightness of the incoming video before entering the feedback loop. Note: when this value is 0, no video will enter the effect at all, resulting in no visible output.
  • Wrap Mode: Sets the Wrap Mode:
    • Wrap: Pixels wrap around the window borders, creating a tiled effect.
    • Mirror: Pixels are mirrored beyond the window borders, creating a reflection effect.
    • Clamp: Pixels are stretched beyond the window borders.
  • Wrap Gain: Sets the gain of pixels beyond window borders, those affected by the Wrap Mode setting.



Creates monochromatic and duochromatic gradients. Use Feather to go from a smooth gradient to two solid colors, while Spacing sets the distance between the two color planes.

Gradient Colors section

Graphical User Interface

  • The circle represents the Anchor point from which the angle is determined.
  • The brighter inner square represents the visible output. The larger and darker outer square can be still be used to place the Anchor point.


  • Color Format: Sets the color format for both colors. Options are RGB (Red Green Blue) and HSL (Hue Saturation Lightness). Both color formats share the same alpha value.
  • Per color:
    • Color Box: Click the color box to pop up a color chooser to visually select a color.
    • In RGB mode:
      • Red: Sets the Red amount for the respective color.
      • Green: Sets the Green amount for the respective color.
      • Blue: Sets the Blue amount for the respective color.
    • In HSL mode:
      • Hue: Sets the Hue amount for the respective color.
      • Saturation: Sets the Saturation amount for the respective color.
      • Lightness: Sets the Lightness amount for the respective color.
  • Alpha: Sets the transparency for the respective color
  • Color Dry/Wet: Sets the Dry/Wet amount for the respective color.
  • Bright: Sets the Brightness for the respective color. The value is multiplied with the RGB channels, fading to black as the Brightness value gets closer to 0.
  • Link Color:s When linked, Color 2 will be disabled, and Color 1 will be used to draw a monochromatic gradient.

ISF Shader

ISF Shader Initial State

While technically an Effect, the ISF Shader is a more complex device that has its own manual page.



A very versatile device with a luminance and chroma keyer. It mimics the classic analog keying setup, allowing to set both the foreground and the background images from sidechain tracks.

Keyer Inputs section


  • Foreground Video From: The track that will be visible on pixels above the threshold / tolerance level.
  • Foreground Tapping Point: Selects the point at which the Foreground signal is tapped.
  • Background Video From: The track that will be visible on pixels below the threshold / tolerance level.
  • Background Tapping Point: Selects the point at which the Background signal is tapped.
  • Sidechain Contour: Sets the amount of blur applied to the key mask.


Akin to Voronoi, Lava is a hybrid between a generator and an effect. Its pattern creation and image manipulation algorithms draw inspiration from Brownian Noise, emulating the variability found in many natural systems, giving an organic quality to the device's output.

Lava Input Processing


  • Input Processing: Enable/disable input processing. Enabling input processing is more taxing for the GPU, and may result in a slight drop in frames per second.
  • Bright: Determines the influence of the incoming image brightness on the Lava brightness.
  • Color: Determines the influence of the incoming image color on the Lava color.
  • Distort: Determines the influence that the input image has on the amount of distortion in the output image.
  • Spread: Determines the amount of displacement of the input image.
  • Spread Angle: Determines the angle of the input image effects.
  • Dry/Wet: Determines the dry/wet balance.



A basic device used to flip and/or mirror the video. The X/Y pad sets the horizontal and vertical center point from which to mirror the video.


  • Flip: Flips the entire video horizontally and/or vertically.
  • Mirro:r Mirrors a portion of the video defined by Center horizontally and/or vertically.
  • Cente: Sets the horizontal and vertical center point from which to mirror the video.



A simple device used to downsample the video resolution. Interpolate gradually to smooth out the pixelation effect.


  • Horizontal: Sets the pixelation amount in the horizontal direction.
  • Vertical: Sets the pixelation amount in the vertical direction.
  • Link: Links the vertical value to the horizontal value.
  • Interpolate: When enabled, pixels are linearly interpolated and thus have a smooth color transition between them.



The Properties device contains a collection of settings for tracks or rack chains which are not directly available in the interface of Ableton Live. In this way, Properties behaves differently than other devices: only one Properties device can exist on a track or in a chain. When there are two Properties devices on the same track, only the left of the two will be used. The other device will display a warning.

Properties Blend Mode section


  • Blend Mode: Blend mode is a setting that defines the way the outputs of tracks are mixed (more detail here). This setting affects the entire track or chain on which the Properties device is added.
  • Blending: Sets the blending method. RGB mixes colors with linear interpolation over the RGB channels. Oklab mixes the colors according to the Oklab color space, which generally produces more uniform looking transitions in terms of perceived brightness and color.


The Properties device has different settings available depending on the type of track/chain it is added on. Also, some settings are not applicable for chains, and are disabled when the Properties device is added onto a chain.

Since multiple chains can exist in a track, chains can have different settings than their parent track. Chains within a track can be blended with different settings than those used to blend their parent track with other tracks. Therefore, a Properties device's scope does not leave the chain. You can put a Properties device on each chain in an Audio Effect Rack and also put a Properties device on their parent track without conflicts.


Status Log

The Status device does not have any interactive controls, since its purpose is to display the connection state, frames per second and maximum frame time, as well as a history graph to monitor the performance over a longer period of time. This is especially useful when running Videosync in Networked Mode, if you want to keep an eye on Videosync's performance on the machine that runs Live.

Status Log


  • Clear: Resets and clears the log.



Device for positioning, scaling and rotating video. When scaled down, Wrap can be used to fill the area around the scaled down video.

Transform section

Graphical User Interface

  • Hovering over the "+" shape will allow for selecting and adjusting the Position X/Y.
  • Hovering over the "X" shape will allow for selecting and adjusting the Anchor Point X/Y.
  • Hovering over the arrowhead will allow changing the rotation.
  • Hovering over an area within the blue frame will allow for selecting and adjusting the Scale X/Y.


  • Scale: Scales the video. The origin from which the video is scaled is defined by the anchor point. When the anchor point is in the center, the video will scale on all sides. When the anchor point is on the top-left, the video will scale towards the right.
  • Link Scale: When enabled, the scale for the X-axis also influences the scale for the Y-axis, and the Y-axis scale parameter will be disabled.
  • Rotation: Rotates the video around the anchor point. The Rotation dial rotates 360 degrees in both directions, 0 being up, similar to the arrow in the GUI.
  • Anchor Point: All geometric manipulations to the video occur relative to the anchor point. The default value (0, 0) represents the center of the video. For example, applying a rotation transform to a layer with the default anchor point causes the layer to rotate around its center. Changing the anchor point to a different location would cause the video to rotate around that new point.
  • Offset: Offsets the video's position.



Voronoi is a hybrid between a generator and an effect. Based on the Voronoi algorithm it allows both the creation and manipulation of images in a wide range of ways.

Voronoi Input Processing


  • Input Processing: Enable/disable input processing. Enabling input processing is more taxing for the GPU, and may result in a slight drop in frames per second.
  • *Bright: Determines the influence of the incoming image brightness on the brightness of the voronoi cells.
  • Color: Determines the influence of the incoming image color on the color of the voronoi cells.
  • Bleed: Determines the influence of the incoming image brightness on the bleed amount between voronoi cells.
  • Spread: Determines the scaling of the input image effects, per voronoi cell.
  • Spread Angle: Determines the angle of the input image effects, per voronoi cell.
  • Dry/Wet: Determines the dry/wet balance.



A displacement video effect capable of enriching imagery by adding a variety of organically flowing and morphing distortions. Wavvy's distortions create gaps in the incoming video, which are filled by default. To reveal the gaps, lower the Wrap Gain amount.


  • Amount: Sets the amount of the Wavvy effect.
  • Scale: Sets the scale for the Wavvy effect.
  • Edge: This determines the amount of interpolation in the displacement pattern, with higher values giving more angular results.
  • Level of Detailx: Switches between a less detailed, lighter processing and detailed, complex processing.
  • Wrap Mode:
    • Wrap: Pixels wrap around the window borders, creating a tiled effect.
    • Mirror: Pixels are mirrored beyond the window borders, creating a reflection effect.
    • Clamp: Pixels are stretched beyond the window borders.
  • Wrap Gain: Sets the gain of pixels beyond window borders, those affected by the Wrap Mode setting.
  • Motion: Adds motion to the displacement pattern.
  • Movement: Adds directional movement to the displacement pattern.
  • Angle: Sets the angle of the movement direction.