November 26, 2024
- Fixed an issue that could cause Live or Videosync to freeze or crash unexpectedly, particularly while using Videosync in conjunction with Beam for Live. The issue originated in the Max for Live devices, so please allow the User Library Installer to install the latest versions of the Videosync devices. Additionally, confirm that your Live Sets use only the updated Videosync 1.4 devices to avoid future crashes of this nature.
July 16, 2024
- Fixed an issue where the Showsync Control Surface was not detected by Live 12.1.
May 25, 2024
- ISF Loader: Fixed a bug that caused HSL color values to be recalled incorrectly when reloading a Live Set.
May 15, 2024
- ISF Loader: Fixed a bug that could cause Videosync to crash while running in Networked Playback mode.
April 10, 2024
- ISF Loader: Fixed a bug that caused the browser to remain empty or even crash Videosync when encountering a non-text .fs file within the shader library.
January 23, 2024
- Fixed a bug that under some circumstances caused the selected track for Color Mixer's sidechain menu to be changed to an incorrect track after reloading a Live Set.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Sidechain dropdown menus in any of Videosync's devices to be empty whenever there were more than 128 tracks in the Live Set.
December 27, 2023
- Simpler: Fixed a regression that prevented HAP videos from playing while the transport was stopped.
- External In: Fixed a regression that prevented Syphon inputs from being displayed.
December 20, 2023
New features
New effect device: Gradient. Create monochromatic and duochromatic gradients. Use Feather to go from a smooth gradient to two solid colors, while Spacing sets the distance between the two color planes.
Color Mixer
New effect device: Color Mixer. Manipulate the color and brightness components of an image. Select an optional sidechain source to blend the color and brightness of another track into the texture of the Color Mixer's host track.
Other improvements
- Added two new presets: "Auto Rotate" and "Wobble".
- Voronoi: All relevant parameters can now be modulated.
Bug fixes
- In Simpler, when using Slice Mode with the 'Freeze' playback mode, the correct last frame of the slice stays visible instead of the first frame of the next slice.
- Transform: The Info Text title for Dry/Wet is now "Dry/Wet".
- Status: No longer prints debug messages in the Max console.