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Changes in version 5.3 (June 27, 2024):

  • Added option to GrabberSender and GrabberReceiver to disable the "Sent/Received Messages" log, preventing a CPU bottleneck.
  • Various small user interface improvements.
  • Optimized UI colors for Live 12 and Live 11.
  • Minimum required Live version is now Live 11.1.
  • Minimum required Max version is now Max 8.3.

Changes in version 5.2.6 (February 14, 2024):

  • For GrabberSender and GrabberReceiver, timestamps are now applied correctly for each line in the log.

Changes in version 5.2.5 (January 25, 2024):

  • ParamGrabber, ParamGrabber MIDI and TrackGrabber no longer output OSC messages while they are deactivated.

Changes in version 5.2.4 (October 14, 2022):

  • Further improvements to maximum sizes of lists in the ParamGrabber devices.

Changes in version 5.2.3 (October 8, 2022):

  • Increased the maximum length for parameter lists in ParamGrabber and ParamGrabber MIDI.

Changes in version 5.2.2 (September 10, 2022):

  • Fixed a bug that caused ParamGrabber to not send out any values, unless the GrabberSender's Refresh button was triggered. ParamGrabber now continuously sends out values of mapped parameters again.

Changes in version 5.2.1 (August 28, 2022):

  • VoidGrabber (Extended) now works as expected.

Changes in version 5.2 (July 27, 2022):

  • VoidGrabber (Extended): New device, adding new ways to manipulate parameter values using Drive and Compand, and setting alternative minimum and maximum values.
  • VoidGrabber: Improved the UI.
  • GrabberSender:
    • Added a Refresh button that sends out a bang to all relevant LiveGrabber devices, to refresh the receiving application with current values of all LiveGrabber parameters.
    • Improved the UI.
  • GrabberSender and GrabberReceiver: Feed messages are now prepended with a timestamp.
  • GrabberReceiver: Improved the UI.
  • All devices:
    • The plugin version number now changes color when hovering the cursor over it, and when clicked, will open the LiveGrabber release notes page on our support website.
    • Removed unused styles from all patchers and subpatchers, decreasing file size and improving loading speeds with large Live Sets.
    • Internal cleanup.

Changes in version 5.1.2 (November 10, 2021):

  • All devices now have the correct dependencies included, resulting in no more errors in the Max console.

Changes in version 5.1.1 (September 24, 2021):


  • When (re-)opening a Live Set, the Freq, Gain & Q parameters do not reset to the default value anymore (thanks to Aistis R for reporting the issue).
  • The min and max values of the filter dials now match the the min max display values of the filtergraph.
  • Set exponents for the filter dials so that it is easier to set a desired frequency.
  • The live.scope~ objects now display the correct amplitude range.

Changes in version 5.1 (September 16, 2021):

  • Added SongGrabber.
  • UI colors are now more consistent between Live 10 and Live 11.
  • Changed behaviour of solo buttons in AnalysisGrabber to function more like the solo buttons in Live.
  • Paramgrabber & Paramgrabber MIDI can now detect dynamically added parameters.
  • Increased refresh rate of GrabberSender and GrabberReceiver message display.
  • Replaced jitter oscilloscopes with a live object (live.scope) in the AnalysisGrabber.
  • TrackGrabber, GrabberReceiver and GrabberSender no longer send unwanted messages anymore when dropped on a channel.
  • VoidGrabber now shows proper parameter in automation lane.

Changes in version 5.0 (May 13, 2021):

  • New user interfaces for all plugins
  • Added the possibility to select an output format for the OSC data of ParamGrabber and TrackGrabber. Options are Norm, Raw and String. The same plugins can receive only Norm and Raw formats.
  • Deferred all automatable parameters for Voidgrabber because it was dropping UDP packages.
  • Backend cleanup.

Changes in version 4.4 (November 6, 2019):

  • TrackGrabber caches clip names much more efficiently, meaning no more slowdowns when navigating with many tracks.
  • Fix in SceneGrabber to enable support for more than 85 scenes.

Changes in version 4.3 (January 8, 2019):

  • No longer have a default entry in the Sender name field in GrabberSender.
  • Fixed sender detection in analysisgrabber.

Changes in version 4.2 (November 21, 2018):

  • Fixed glitches in saving ip and port number in GrabberSender.

Changes in version 4.1 (June 12, 2018):

  • TrackGrabber now supports Master and Return tracks.

Changes in version 4 (May 8, 2018):

  • Added SceneGrabber.
  • Cleaned all interfaces to better match Max 7 and Live 10.
  • Added multiple messages log in GrabberReceiver and GrabberSender.
  • Added one extra address slot to most devices.

Changes in version 3.4:

  • Removed all Java/Bonjour related features.

Changes in version 3.3.3:

  • Fix for VoidGrabber: didn't send data when Address was not changed manually after live set was loaded.

Changes in version 3.3.2:

  • Fix for TrackGrabber's dynamic sends updates (thanks to Todd Reid for reporting).

Changes in version 3.3.1:

  • Not all devices were properly frozen in 3.3.

Changes in version 3.3:

New features

  • Now supports parameter grouping. When the set contains multiple identical address sends, you can choose to group them and send only the maximum or minimum values.
  • ParamGrabber now supports stacking. When placing a ParamGrabber behind another ParamGrabber, the second one will listen to the effect in front of the first, enabling binding to more than seven parameters of the same effect.


  • AnalysisGrabber and VoidGrabber no longer send out 0 values before initialization is complete.
  • Small interface updates.
  • TrackGrabber now updates when return tracks are added or removed.
  • TrackGrabber now correctly clears parameter listener when None is selected.
  • TrackGrabber no longer has an error if there are no sends.

Changes in version 3.2:

  • Removes dependency on Java for sending. Receiving and Bonjour still need Java.
  • Fixed issue with reloading AnalysisGrabber, parameters would not be sent to filters on startup.
  • Added ParamGrabber Midi effect.

Changes in version 3.1:

  • Fixed storing AnalysisGrabber filter frequency.
  • Replaced the OSC-route object with the new Max 6 route for better cross platform support.

Changes in version 3.0:

  • Now includes reverse operation: controlling Live with OSC. Added GrabberReceiver plugin.


  • Added auto-detecting OSC devices via Bonjour: LiveGrabber announces itself as a sender in GrabberSender and detects available senders in GrabberReceiver.
  • Added sending via a specific network interface.
  • Renamed internal send/receive to have unique names. Mixing 3.0 with earlier versions will not work (!).
  • Added learning incoming messages. The addresses of latest 8 incoming messages are listed in the address dropdown menu for parameters of receiving-enabled plugins (ParamGrabber and TrackGrabber).

Changes in version 2.8:

  • Fixed problem in AnalysisGrabber: Triggers would not be sent.
  • Fixed problem in AnalysisGrabber: Hi Follower interfered with Mid Trigger.
  • AnalysisGrabber UI updates: envelopes are no longer clickable, added Foll and Trig labels.

Thanks to maotik for the bug report and thanks to Karl Kliem for isolating the problem.

Changes in version 2.7:

  • Added VoidGrabber.
  • Slightly changed GUI real estate of all plugins, e.g. OSC address fields are a little larger.
  • Names of Rack parameters are now displayed correctly in ParamGrabber.
  • TrackGrabber now displays an error message when inside a Rack.
  • Readme now says that you can have more than one grabbersender.

Changes in version 2.6:

  • Added AnalysisGrabber.
  • ParamGrabber now recognizes when it's dragged into or outside of a rack and refreshes accordingly.
  • ParamGrabber no longer resets its dropdowns if the effects stack is changed but the effect it is linked to remains the same.
  • When Sender Name is left empty in the GrabberSender, no address node is prepended.

Changes in version 2.5:

  • Fixed initialization for versions of Live older than 8.2.2.
  • Devices are now frozen, making sure to include proper externals.

Changes in version 2.4:

  • Learn button in ParamGrabber.
  • ParamGrabber amd TrackGrabber check for existence of GrabberSender, if not found they display a warning in red.
  • More Live-like visual style, making room for 1 more parameter in ParamGrabber and TrackGrabber.